DIY: Deodorant

YES! You can make your own deodorant.

Just like pre-packaged foods, pre-packaged beauty products are no stranger to unnecessary, and often toxic, ingredients. 

It's been a month since I started using this concoction and I must say, I'm a fan. It's incredibly cheap and easy to make and most importantly, it works!

Want more beauty DIYs? Don't forget to try this DIY Shampoo & Conditioner or this DIY Vitamin C Face Mask!

What you need:

1/4C Baking Soda

1/4C Arrowroot Powder

1/3C Coconut Oil

4T Cornstarch

Essential Oil of choice (I use Lavender)

What to do:

Mix them all together, put in a jar & rub on your pits!

Note: Since coconut oil becomes liquid in hot temperatures and solid in cooler, the consistency of the deodorant change a bit from hot to cold temperatures, too.

Have you tried this recipe? Let me know what you think in the COMMENTS below...