5 Reasons To Sign Up For A CSA (& 5 Reasons Not To)

you may have noticed in my instagram feed that i love my CSA veggie box.

which might lead you to ask... “what’s a CSA?”

it means Community Supported Agriculture. also known as a veggie box, farm share, farm box, etc.

buying into a CSA means you are buying into a share of a farm at the beginning of the season in exchange for a weekly (or bi-weekly) “share” of the harvest. you invest up front so that the farm can use that money to finance their growing season & in return you get the best of their bounty throughout the season.

each CSA program is different, so doing some research in your local area is important.

some offer a collection of veggies & goods from multiple nearby farms & local producers, some are strictly from one farm. some are all-organic, some not. some offer eggs, meat, grains & other fun stuff, some just fruits & veggies. sizes of shares & prices vary greatly as well. the quantity you receive each season is also different depending on where you live.

localharvest.com is a great resource to find the closest CSA to where you live & decide if it would be the right choice for you.

here are 5 reasons to consider signing up for a CSA...

1. you love to cook.
you will have the freshest & tastiest fruits & veggies you've ever had & will be blown away by some of the flavors you never knew could come from the earth.

2. you want to eat healthier. 
since your food has traveled less distance & has been picked at peak season, what you get in a CSA often has a higher nutritional value than choices from the grocery store. according to ayurveda & other health folks, eating with the seasons is ideal for health & wellness.

3. you already have a jump-start on your meal-planning.
when you open the CSA box you will be inspired by the beautiful assortment of veggies when creating your meals for the next week. this will save you time when deciding what to cook & money because you will forgo going out as much.

4. your meals are focused around vegetables. 
because you're so inspired you will likely begin to make veggies the main event in your meals, not just a lame side dish.

5. you are helping the earth.
eating from the earth that is close to you is great for the planet in many ways - less exhaust in the air from food travel (and less gas used), local farms generally use little or no pesticides/chemicals & farming practices of a local farm (vs. commercial) are much more symbiotic with the earth, rotating veggies & plants that replenish it’s nutrients not just strip them.

and 5 reasons to not to...

1. you don’t like to cook.
local food or not, if you hate to cook, you will likely still not like to cook.

2. you don’t value a premium price on local food.
sometimes CSAs can be cheaper than the grocery store, but often you are also paying a premium to support a smaller operation so it can afford the community local produce & not have to rely on commercial farms across the country. if you think the farmer’s market is for yuppies & you stick with canned vegetables, a CSA might not be for you (however, i might suggest you give it a try).

3. you are picky & not willing to try new veggies.
each week you get what you are given & there isn't always an option to swap. you've got to be open-veggie-minded which can often comes as a pleasant surprise.

4. you travel all the time.
if you’re gone every week food will go to waste no matter how much you hope to use it. perhaps sharing a CSA with a friend or neighbor is for you.

5. you're a farmer.
because well, you have plenty of your own veggies to choose from already.

what do you love (or not love!) about buying into a CSA? Please share in the COMMENTS below!

Featured on MindBodyGreen: 6 Super-Simple Ways To Eat Healthy Every Day

Get healthy today with any or all of these 6 simple steps featured today on MindBodyGreen.

Check it out below or hop over to MindBodyGreen & read there: http://bit.ly/1iCzDdd

Let’s be realistic: “Being healthy” takes an honest balance of treating yourself well and living well. The trick is not being perfect, but striking a balance where you feel good.

So instead of cutting out every bad habit in your diet in one fell swoop (which is bound to lead to burnout), start slow and simple. The journey is more important than the destination.

Here are 6 super-easy ways you can eat healthy every day:

1. Don't keep junk food in the house.

If you're jonesing for ice cream, force yourself to get up off the couch and walk to the market to get it. I bet more times than not you'll be too lazy to do so and will end up getting over the craving. This is one instance where being lazy pays off!

2. Keep easy-to-pack healthy snacks with you.

When you're traveling or have a busy day ahead, do yourself a favor and keep your energy up with a snack that isn’t saturated with sugar, salt or other highly processed nonfood ingredients.

Good options: fruit, nuts (unsalted), veggies with hummus, almond butter, or a small piece of dark chocolate (70% dark or higher).

This way, your closest and most accessible food is already on the healthy track, and you'll keep your impulse decisions to a minimum when it comes to the next meal.

3. Drink water.

When you start feeling hungry, reach for a tall glass of water before the bag of chips. Often when you feel the first pangs of hunger, it’s because of boredom, stress or just plain dehydration.

By filling up on water first, you'll be less hungry and impulsive when it comes to what you choose to eat next and how much. Drinking water before you eat also aids in digestion, so your body will more happily accept your next meal.

4. Cook at home!

This is the easiest way to eat healthy. Hands down. Planning out and shopping for healthy meals ahead of time ensures that there are healthy options in your house and at work. Not only is it cheaper to eat at home, but much healthier because restaurants are likely to use more salt, oil and butter than you would at home.

5. Add more veggies to your plate.

Instead of the veggie side being an afterthought, make it the main event.

Most of us eat with our eyes, so make it appealing. Use spices, herbs, a variety of color and texture. Put some thought and flavor into it and you won't feel like you're missing out.

6. Kick off your dinner with a salad.

By starting your dinner with a salad, not only are you ensuring you're getting your veggies in, but once you get over the initial starvation factor, you'll likely make better entree choices or not indulge nearly as much.

When it comes down to it, staying healthy day in and day out isn't about mastering the newest diet or exercise, but practicing a little bit of mindfulness and thinking ahead.

Do you have any daily health hacks that you live by? Please share in the COMMENTS below!

WTF Is A Vitamix?

I get this question all the time.

Then it is usually followed with, “And why does it cost so much?”

Here are my 3 reasons to consider the mega-blending machine & why it’s worth the money:

1. The bitch can blend

I have had a regular blender, an immersion blender & a food processor. They have their uses, but they left my green smoothies ready for chewing, rather than drinking. The Vitamix blends hearty greens & vegetables with ease & speed while other blending methods often just don’t cut it.

Texture-wise, the Vitamix is actually is better tasting than some other blenders. The "Vitamix full-size blenders are able to create at least 5x smoother blends than the Ninja Professsional."*

2. No more blender burnout blues

It can tackle nearly anything you put into it without breaking or losing it’s power. If something does break or not live up to what it is supposed to, Vitamix will replace it or fix it. I have contacted their customer service and talked to a real-live person. They have happily answered my questions & helped me out.

I think most people would agree that they value quality over quantity. One great product is much more appealing than going through a new device every couple years.

Although I have not personally compared with every other blender option, Vitamix has done some research: "Vitamix 5200 model lasts more than 3x longer than the Ninja Professional and 10x longer than the Nutribullet Pro 900 Series."*

I suggest reading consumer reports & shop around to see what looks best for you.

3. Chew this 5x fast

Speaking of chewing your smoothies, other than it sounding, um, kinda gross, it also is less efficient & less healthy than blending.

Yep, blending is healthier. Here are a few reasons why...

When food is blended, it’s faster to eat than chewing, which means you are more likely to consume more of it. And the more a food is broken down, the easier it’s digested & absorbed into your body. Blending actually breaks down veggies more than chewing so you do less work & access more nutrients (even if you chewed for a really, really long time).

Still not convinced it’s worth the money?

Vitamix sells refurbished models (I have the 5200 model) and they often do promotions that bring the price down from the usual $450+ to as low as $299.

What can you make with a Vitamix? Check the Radical Recipes section for How To Make The Perfect Green Smoothie, juices, nut milks, ice cream, pasta sauces & more.

*Update: since writing this post, i have become a proud affiliate of Vitamix (yay!). this means you get access to the best deals as soon as they happen, FREE SHIPPING & yep, I get a commission when you use my promo code (06-009896) at www.vitamix.com.

No smoke & mirrors here, I'm proud to get paid for promoting one of my favorite products. Send me an email through the contact page or comment below if you have any questions! 

*These claims are tested and approved by Vitamix and validated by a third party.

Do you have a vitamix & want to share why you love it too? I'd love to hear in the COMMENTS below...

Featured on MindBodyGreen: 6 Ways To Reset After Boozing Too Much

it's sunday & i'm sure there are a few of you out there not feeling in tip-top shape.

read my 6 steps to a holistic hangover recovery below or read it over on MindBodyGreen: http://bit.ly/1djjwKZ.

The Zen Mama, The Guru Guy and even The Flow Junkie find themselves double-fisting beers rather than green juice from time to time. Humans aren't on this earth to be perfect, but to live, experience, learn, engage, progress, enjoy and occasionally, indulge.

The solution for such a night is not a prescription of back-to-back Bikram and 40 lashings, but love. You heard me right: you had a huge night, woke up feeling terrible and possibly guilty for having a few hours of raucous fun and worldly pleasure.

And that’s OK.

Part of living a balanced lifestyle is having a loving bounce-back plan for when you’ve indulged in an unbalanced night (or even just a big meal, exhausting travel or are on the verge of getting sick).

Here are six ways to recalibrate after last night’s good times. And they don’t include grabbing a pill, sports drink, or cheeseburger ...

1. Drink water.

Before you go to bed, chug one or two glasses.

For bonus points, the power move: make your last drink at the bar a water with no ice. When everyone is ordering that one last nightcap, opt for a water. Omitting the ice will give you max ounces for your effort.

Then the next day, keep drinking water. Then water, water … you get my drift?

2. Take a B12.

One before bed AND one when you wake up.

Because alcohol is a diuretic, your hangover is a side effect of dehydration and having lost vital nutrients to keep you feeling good. This megavitamin complex is the best for getting your brain and body back in action in no time.

3. Eat something simple in the morning.

It’s really up to you to listen to your gut on this one, but keep it simple and light. Veering away from the grease-town-USA platter is always safe bet.

Some ideas: sprouted toast topped with coconut oil and almond butter, sprouted toast topped with avocado and a fried egg, a green smoothie, or just a banana are good options to coat your belly and infuse your body with nutrients right off the bat.

4. Get active.

You likely won’t want to but go for a walk, or maybe a run if that’s your thing.

Perhaps do some easy yoga stretches to work out the kinks and clear your head. Even if it just means sitting, breathing and moving your arms around, do it.

5. Get outside.

Or even better, get in the ocean if possible. Fresh air and the salty sea really are cure-alls. Nothing relieves a headache faster than an ice cold dip in the ocean (or a lake, if that’s what you’ve got).

6. Have a kombucha.

This elixir is surely an acquired taste that you'll learn to yearn for, with or without the hangover.

If you’re really on top of it, chug some with your water before you go to bed so the electrolytes and liver-cleansing properties can go to work as you sleep.

The fermentation and effervescence are good for your tummy (without the sugar of a ginger ale or sports drink), and who knows? Maybe the trace of alcohol it contains is, too.

Cheers. Now off to accomplish this list …

Do you have any holistic hangover cures you swear by? I would love to hear them in the COMMENTS below!

13 Ways To Use Coconut Oil

coconuts are the hot food of the moment and for good reason. there are so many uses for coconut oil and not just in the kitchen.

here are 13 healthy & easy ways to use the wonder substance…

1. use just as you would use olive oil. for sauteing, roasting, etc. like in this veggie coconut soup recipe. note that it can have a slight tropical flavor. 

2. hair conditioning treatment. add a bit to the ends for some extra moisture or massage all over hair & scalp for a deep conditioning hair mask.

3. tame flyaways & split ends. just a dab will do ya. although you won’t even need it with this diy shampoo & conditioner.

4. your face, body, feet, nails... it’s better than lotion i promise.

5. amp it up on your skin by making your own whipped lavender coconut body butter. it’s awesome.

6. add some to a bath for extra silky skin.

7. makeup remover. the best. hands down.

8. sunburns or cuts. it is anti-bacterial. slather it on.

9. lip balm. just make sure if you put it in your purse that the container is tight. in the summer (or when warm) it turns to liquid!

10. mouthwash. also known as oil pulling. yes, this might sound quite strange. it definitely takes some dedication & getting used to, but this morning ritual can actually aid in overall dental health & freshen your breath. just take a spoonful of coconut oil, swish it around in your mouth for 5-20 minutes, spit & brush teeth as usual.

11. butter replacement for just about anything. on toast with almond butter or in baking breads & cakes. if you are replacing a regular recipe, test it first. or look for recipes using coconut oil instead of butter.

12. shaving. use just as you would with shaving cream or soap.

13. deodorant. i haven’t tried it (yet), but supposedly what works on your skin & in your body also works on your pits.

tip: make sure you buy unrefined coconut oil. refined has been heated to high temperatures, thus killing off the good stuff.

do you have any ways you love to use coconut oil? share in the COMMENTS below!